
Graphs and tables of covid 19 hospitalization data by status, location and number of people in the ICU.


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Where the numbers come from

Hospitals report their own data

Hospitals report their own hospitalization numbers to the Ministry of Health, and are usually current as of midnight two days ago.

ICU data is always reported as of 11:59 pm the day before the “Last updated” date at the top of this page. This is so patients are not double-counted if they move from one level of care to another within 24 hours.

Hospitalization and ICU numbers are reported for the province and for each Ontario Health Region. Historical data for hospitalizations by region may change over time as hospitals update previously entered data.

Why “In hospital” numbers might be lower than “In ICU” numbers

There are two reasons “In hospital” numbers might be lower than “In ICU” numbers:

  1. Metrics – “In hospital” numbers only include people who are still testing positive for covid 19, while “In ICU” numbers include people testing positive for covid 19 and people who are in ICU for a covid 19-related illness but have since tested negative.
  2. Timing – There may be a delay in reporting on Sundays, Mondays, and statutory holidays

Vaccination status data


This is a new data collection and the data quality will continue to improve as hospitals continue to submit data.

In order to understand the vaccination status of patients currently hospitalized, a new data collection process was developed and this may cause discrepancies between other hospitalization numbers being collected using a different data collection process.

Data on patients in ICU are being collected from two different data sources with different extraction times and public reporting cycles. The existing data source (Critical Care Information System, CCIS) does not have vaccination status.