Does Work Stress Lead to Office Clutter, and How? Mediating Influences of Emotional Exhaustion and Indecision

First Published January 13, 2019 Research Article


The University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, USA
by this author
, 2
DePaul University, Chicago, IL, USA
by this author
First Published Online: January 13, 2019

Despite popular articles and books, researchers have failed to examine how office clutter emerges and potential mediators underlying clutter in personal workspaces. We hypothesized that workers whose jobs require them to deal with a heavy volume of work at a rapid pace would be more likely to experience job strain (i.e., emotional exhaustion), which, in turn, depletes their energy and makes workers more likely to delay decisions. Decisional procrastination (indecision) was expected to increase office clutter, which itself is a physical stressor. Data from an Internet survey with 290 U.S. office workers recruited through Prolific Academic supported the hypotheses. This study is the first to examine clutter as a physical stressor in the workplace. A greater understanding of the factors that promote office clutter might help organizations and workers address sources of workspace conditions and personal habits that impede productivity and well-being.

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