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I have social anxiety and I can't participate in classes because of it. Anyone who has it knows it's crippling. But 20% of my grade is participation. How do I survive?


I have social anxiety and I can't participate in classes because of it. Anyone who has it knows it's crippling. But 20% of my grade is participation. How do I survive?


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level 1
· 6y

If you have a medical documentation you can talk to your department and/or professor and they arrange something with you.

I didn't have sever anxiety but I had a serious sleeping disorder that caused me to miss most of my classes. Usually they will give you an assignment or two to cover it up.

I personally would suggest to try and talk to your professor about it as MrExploded suggested and try your very best to participate. When I was young a teacher physically slapped me for answering a question wrong, and that caused me to have a serious anxiety and trauma, so I totally know how you feel. BUT we must overcome our fears, I very much strongly suggest that you see the office for student development, take an appointment to talk about it, it's free and the staff there is great

One way I got over it by thinking, who the fuck cares what I say or do!!, even if I did something super embarrassing, people wouldn't remember it, it'l just fade away. Plus we are all humans we all make mistakes!

level 1
· 6y

I dealt with this in a history course where active discussion was graded. I talked the professor about my social anxiety and he actually made allowances for me and would actively help me participate in discussion. So you never know, some professors may help you out.

level 1
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level 2
· 6y

I just think it's crazy that I need an official diagnosis. It's not like I don't want to talk, I just simply can't. I think it's unreasonable that professors expect that every student is comfortable doing it! People are so diverse, come from different backgrounds, and come in all personalities! For example, personally, in addition to my possibly inherited social anxiety, I grew up in a dysfunctional family in a third-world country where people aren't as happy-go-lucky-looking as Canadians. I think there are sooooo many alternatives to verbal participation in class. I really would hate going to my professor saying "Hey, I have social anxiety." I already have terrible esteem issues. This would just completely and utterly destroy whatever's left of me. I will, however, strive and work hard towards alleviating my social anxiety, but I'm taking baby steps, and I feel this 20% class participation is too big a leap for me at this point.

level 1
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level 2
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Business Management. I know, you have to be able to communicate in business. But honestly, I don't even know if I want to work in business when I graduate.

level 1
· 6y · edited 6y

I feel you, but you honesty just need to throw yourself into uncomfortable situations until you can get more at ease. On the bus, just try talking to some strangers. Walking to class, nod and wish someone good morning. It's got to start with the little things. Even in class, do you best to chat with some students during breaks/once class ends. Eventually you can build up the confidence to start saying things in class for everyone to hear. Of course, you will need to start soon, since you need it for points.

EDIT: Typo

Also, to be honest, even if you say something stupid, no one is going to care/remember.

level 2
· 6y

this is good advice.

level 1
· 6y

talk to your professor or studen union. accommodations can be made for you

level 1
· 6y

if its an actual disorder get it documented.

everyone on earth has social anxiety when it comes to class participation, but everyone started somewhere and it gets easier with time.

nobodys judging you for talking in class, half of the kids who dont talk arent listening anyway.

level 1
· 6y

Some professors treat attendance as a component of your participation grade.

Who do you have for this class? I saw that you posted it's BUS 800.

Have you considered joining a group like Toastmasters? It can be a safe space to get comfortable speaking in front of others.

level 2
· 6y

I have Tissembaum- are you in BUS 800? I was really hoping it'd be Walsh, as I heard he's great and plus he's a total hottie. I love me some eye candy

level 1
· 6y

Go to the Access Centre at POD59 ASAP. You will need documentation either from your GP or a psychiatrist. Ryerson has a psychiatrist through the Student Development and Counselling Centre at JOR44. He never makes eye contact and likes to talk over you and he will try to push antipsychotics on you for everything but he'll give you a diagnosis. And when the Abilify samples he gives you make you want to throw yourself in front of a train you can flush them no problem, because he doesn't exactly follow up with patients. The good news is if your anxiety is so bad that you can't speak up in class that's a recognizable bonafide disability, my friend, which means accommodation through the Access Centre and $2000/year in OSAP disability grants. They have a bunch of good therapists too if you want someone who will, you know, actually help you out.

Source: Have bipolar disorder. Thoughts used to get so jumbled and panicked I couldn't write, so I got assignment extensions through the Access Centre. Therapy helped a lot.

level 1
· 6y

By participation I'm assuming you mean in class discussion? Try to make a goal each class where you will say just one thing.. That alone can get you quite far. Maybe try writing down some jot notes of what you are going to say and read it over just before you talk. It might be a good idea to get it over with toward the start of class too, so you can relax for the rest of it. Remember, you don't have to get perfect here. Saying anything helps, even if it's short.

level 2
· 6y

Do you have social anxiety? YOU JUST DON'T UNDERSTAND WAH WAH WAH!! LOL I'm not shouting, just whining. So today, in another class of mine where there's a 10% participation grade (yeah, I have a lovely semester, don't I?), I sat at the front and actually put in some $0.02, or actually, if I were to actually quantify its significance, it would be $0.0000000000000000000001. I tried so hard to muster the courage to give my one-word response. Instead, my voice came out feebly. The professor then asked me to elaborate. My mind was racing not only for an explanation, but i was trying to control my voice! I started rambling incessantly- pure nonsensical crap at that too!

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Created Sep 4, 2008